Friday, June 14, 2024

...6.14...New House and then...

...the Man relocated the smoke detector still in the kitchen...but over the dining used to be right next to the whenever you opened the oven it went hopefully it will be less prone to alarming us when there is no need... that left holes in the ceiling where it used to be that had to be patched...of course...
...curtains down...floor and table covered...the ceiling painting begins...
...the Man took down all of the we're making do in the kitchen with several lamps...
...and my nifty craft light...
...and the Man is weilding that super-wide roller to make quick work of these two coats of Benjamin Moore White Snow... back to the past...and this will be the final install of the 'then' you're all caught up with all the changes we made before we 'moved'...
...a couple of miscellaneous things before the big project...we got a lawn spreader...for distributing organic things...hopefully it will work well...
...and we did some tile shopping for the kitchen many'll be white for sure...
...we both liked these arabesque tiles...they remind me of the wall beside the stairs at Mom's... to the big project...replacing the gas hot water heater with a heat pump water heater...

...first the Man had to reconfigure the circuit breakers as a heat pump WH requires a lot more power than a gas one...
...this is the 20 year old water heater...
...pretty inefficient...the cost per year 20 years ago was $405...which the inflation calculator tells me would be worth $537 today... we drained all the water out of it...
...and we took it out and the pipe going through the we won't need that anymore either...
...and set it aside...I called the county and they will come and pick it up from the street later...
...the new water heater was delivered... we unboxed the new heat pump water heater...'s quite a bit larger than the old one...
...the Man got some plumbing fittings assembled...
...and I patched the hole in the wall...I cut a circle out of some spare sheetrock and held it in place with a strip of cardboard...after I had packed the hole full of insulation...there's a metal grate covering the outside and we'll just leave that in place...
...and then I spackled all around the strip...I'll remove the screws and the cardboard and spackle the rest after it then it will be held in place by the dry spackling... 'volunteered' to crawl up under the house and shut off the gas... really wasn't creepy at all...the ground (sand) is all covered with plastic...and the little vents let in quite a bit of light... while I was down there...I covered all the pipes with insulation...
...and just like was all neatly installed...
...our garage isn't heated...but I don't think anything would freeze out there...we will have a few days in the winter where the temperature dips into the it will be a good idea to insulate all of the exposed pipes...
...which I tried to do as neatly as possible...

...and that's it...I'll still keep you updated on the progress going forward...but you're all caught up on the photos I had saved from the past...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. You're a good sport for crawling under the house.....I think I would have been "busy" with something else important about that time of day....Love, K
