Monday, June 24, 2024

...6.24...Over the Weekend...

...Saturday morning I met a friend for brunch...and then we prowled around an antique store chatting away and didn't buy a thing...and after we parted ways I was pretty close to the Trader Joe' I ran in there for a few groceries...and I didn't have my bags with me...arghhh...
...and I got a bunch of 'soy beverage'...they don't use the term milk...remember when there was some controversy over that...and I also got a bunch of organic fruit and veg...
...this is definitely my new favorite 'milk'... has two soy and perfect...
...and I got one Japanese sweet potato and one regular one...I photographed my had so you could see how big they are...the Man and I will definitely be sharing these...
...and I stopped by Aldi and got the regular things...
...and I got everything stowed away...I cut up the strawberries...
...look at the size of this one...I ate it out of hand...haha...
...we're really close to harvesting our first tomato...
...and we've got a bunch on the vine too...'s been really really hot here...actual temperature was 102° F (39° C)...with a heat index of 108° F (42°) really hot...this is a steamy photo from one of my evening bike rides through one of the older (60s ranch house) neighborhoods with nice flat-ish streets with little traffic where I ride every day...and at the end of this street...there is a community garden...
...and one of the gardeners had this box of onions for sale...3 for $2... I rode back home to get the $2...and put three of their huge fresh onions in my basket...
...they look so nice...
...I stowed them in my cubbie seat...
...I soaked a bag of black beans...when did the bags go from a pound to 12 oz...
...and cooked them in the Instant Pot...
...I cleaned some silver jewelry...I should have taken a before photo as the difference is pretty amazing...
...and after Church we had quite a bit of excitement as the Fish and Wildlife people showed up to free a deer that had gotten trapped in the slough behind our's a completely fenced protected wetland...and although there's food and water in there...she needed to get they opened the gates and used a drone to find her...and then a crew of bush beaters to herd her toward the open gate...
...and just like that she was free and went scampering up the road...she was pretty tiny too...
...and then when we were walking in the evening...we saw a peregrine falcon on a fence in the neighborhood...I remember when they were endangered...after the Silent Spring DDT catastrophe...
...and finally...our Japanese hibiscus is blooming its huge blooms...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize it was THAT hot! It's only been in the low 90's here. Cool that they rescued the little deer. Love, K
