Thursday, July 11, 2024

...7.11...Space Station Sighting...

...the International Space Station flew right directly over our house... reminded us of standing on the deck in North Dakota with a very young Airman watching the same thing... appeared from the northwest...and we caught sight of it once it moved beyond the wispy clouds...
...and then it tracked directly over the house...'s amazing how fast it goes...
...but you get to see it for a few minutes...
...there's been some drama on the space station this week...with some leaks and such...that would be scary for sure...
...and then it disappeared from sight as it faded into the city lights...

...have you ever seen the space can go here Nasa site
...and choose your state to see when it will fly over you...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Cool. I've never seen the space station.

  2. Yeah, we see it often from the Bahamas. For some reason lately I looked up the age of the space station. Amazing how long it's been up there being added onto often. Love, K
