Monday, July 22, 2024

...7.22...Over the Weekend...

...I had brought home so much food that I really didn't need to get much this week...
...I did a little bit of food prep for the week...a big pot of yellow eyed beans...
...I ran the two big zucchini that my sweet brother and SIL gave me through the food processor...directly into a baggie...
...and then I took a wooden spoon and separated it into four 'chunks'... that when it's frozen I can just break off a piece containing roughly enough for a zucchini bread...and I laid it on a tupperware lid so that it would freeze nice and flat...
...I washed the rest of the bok choy...and got it ready to be used up this week...
...and took the remaining cup or so of the zucchini...
...and made zucchini bread...
...and cooked it in the outside oven...haha...toaster oven...and made some squash out there on the Griddler...
...the bread turned out perfectly...
...and we're still picking a handful of little tommy-toes every day or two...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

1 comment:

  1. That "outside kitchen" is such a great idea this summer!! Love, K
