Saturday, October 16, 2010

...Free Fall Apples...

...I know I've mentioned before how nice it is that people bring their surplus produce to the church...

...last week there were bags of I took one...and I'm just now getting around to doing something with them...

...that something - for this bag of apples - is going to be I scrubbed the sink and then scrubbed the apples - these were probably not sprayed - as I've never heard of anyone up here spraying apples - but I'm scrubbing and peeling just in case...

...I set up the peeler (I love that thing) and got crankin'...

...I usually have a fun helper for this part - but he's at a sleepover birthday party...oh well - more fun for me...

...then I 'eighthed' can say 'eighthed' the same way you say 'quartered'...right?...

...put them in a pot (or crammed them in as the case may be) with just a few tablespoons of water - they'll make a lot of juice of their own...

...and cooked them over low heat for a while (couple of hours)...

...I just stirred them when they were soft - and really this is the way I usually make applesauce if we're just going to eat it right away - we like it sort of chunky...

...then I scooped it into my handy-dandy strainer...

...let the juice drain off - this is what we'll use to make a couple of jars of apple jelly - we don't really need any more - but I'll use it up anyway - I'm just all frugal like that...

...once the juice is done draining - I start forcing the sauce through the seive...

...this part is fun too...

...of course if you'd left your skins and seeds on/in - they wouldn't come through the little holes... could also use a food mill for this part...

...there you have it - for very little time and trouble another couple of pints of applesauce in the freezer...


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    One of my favorite childhood memories is the smell of the house in the fall when my mom would make applesauce and apple butter. I had a friend who's parents had a bunch of apple trees and my mom would come home with boxes of them.

  2. I have one of the 'press down to make segment' gadgets. I would LOVE an apple peeler thingy, just love one!

    What do you use all your applesauce for?

  3. I use apple cider in lieu of water; makes the flavor POP! I'm getting ready to hang clothes on the line then ready some more apples for the dehydrator. I love autumn!

  4. Such a coincidence! I just blogged about our apple orchard trip this morning, and read your applesauce post immediately after making applesauce...what are the chances?!

    Happy eating!

  5. Love the handy apple peeler ~ that makes quick work of the prep for applesauce!

    I usually make applesauce with the skins on to give it a hint of pink color. Your applesauce looks delicious :0)

  6. Oh I love it. I didn't know you could freeze applesauce too! Oh sweet. How do you make your jelly? This is something I have never tried.
    Peace, Angela

  7. ooooh, I love your peeler. I still use an old fashioned one, and after this year's huge harvest, (we're onto the apple pie making/freezing now) I really want one of those!!

    In a blink, apple season will be past us and you'll have all that yummy applesauce to look forward to:-)

  8. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I remember peeling apples with a peeler like that as a kid! So fun!

    And, yeah, I want to know how you got a picture of yourself "eighth-ing" the apples when I see both hands!? ;)
