Thursday, April 20, 2017

...W.I.A.Y. ...

Breakfast - Banana Bread - my recipe here, (or the Veganomicon one is very good too - recipe here), fruit (apple), tea
Lunch - Vegan Cheese on Pita Round, Vegan Coleslaw, green beans...tea and a cup of vegan broth...

...I just split the pita in half and sprinkled on some Daiya Cheddar shreds...and then toasted it...ahem...a little too much...
Dinner - Bean Soup, Vegan Cornbread, Greens, Pickles

...this is one of my favorite meals ever...I even loved it as a child...
...then for a snack...I made some chia jam...
...I just smashed some frozen strawberries with some chia seeds...which I should have ground up first...
...and then I added some thick and creamy probiotic whey-made yogurt...
...stirred that all together...
...and added some ground flax seed on top...and it was so delicious...

Snack - Vegan yogurt with flax seeds and chia/strawberry jam...

...your turn...what did you eat yesterday?

~Have a lovely day!

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