Thursday, January 16, 2020

...1.16...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

...after my morning water and some tea...I had a grapefruit...I love them sectioned out like this...but it's kind of a lot of trouble too...
...a little bit later...I had a vegan probiotic yogurt two ingredient biscuit...
...and I promised to tell you how we liked the new plant based butter...
...we really like it...especially like this on a crusty toasted's perfect for something savoury like this...not sure it will ever replace Earth Balance...but why would I...
...for lunch I had a half of a deli veggie sandwich leftover from lunch with the Man...and some fries... I made a salad with croutons and vegan ranch to go with that...
...I had some dried kale for a snack...'s really yummy...and more filling that you'd think...
...and then I really wanted breakfast for I talked the Man into that...
...these are the same scrambled vegan eggs from Tuesday...just cooked until they were really done...
...I liked them better well done...
...and then we had some of the Sauce Stache vegan bacon with brinner...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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