Saturday, September 04, 2021

...9.4...Mountain Bike--Commuter Bike Conversion...Day 15...


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Day 1
Day 2
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Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14

...the Bike Conversion Project is actually nearing its I finish up the top of the basket...
...for the cording for the top weaving portion...I just took a couple of strips of the plastic and tied it to the top of a chair...and twisted it until it was pretty's amazingly strong like can't hardly pull it in half and break it...
...and then like the overlapping top portion...when I ran out of a strip...I just added a new strip and kept twisting and weaving...
...and finally the basket was well and truly finished...
...and I couldn't be happier with it...see how the twisted plarn makes a nice tight finished top to the basket...I think it looks better than another wide strip would have...
...I think it's perfect...exactly what I was hoping for...

~Have a lovely day!

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