Wednesday, April 19, 2023

...4.19...W.I.P. Wednesday... Monday night was my first time back at our Prayer Shawl workgroup at the Church in three years...we didn't meet during the pandemic at all...people were working on prayer shawls at home...but this is a lot more fun...we all sit around the big conference table and chat and discuss patterns and what we are making...right now the group is making baby blankets and hats for a local women's shelter...and so I chose a couple of shades of pink yarn...and got started on a simple double crocheted striped baby afghan...
...and then of course...I finished the second sleeve of the Carnaby Street Sweater...all that's left is putting it all together...
...the sleeves are normal sized...they just look small in the photo because of how much the stockinette stitch wants to curl up...

...what's in your workbasket this week?

~Have a lovely day!

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