Thursday, April 20, 2023

...4.20...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

...this may look like overnight oats...but it's not...I just prefer raw oats over cooked ones...I just put a cupful of oats in a bowl and pour over some almond milk...and add a handful of some kind of fruit...this's dried cranberries...during our spring cleaning this year...I found a bag of dried cranberries in the cupboard...that were two years old...and out of date for a year...but I opened them up and they seemed just fine...and I ate a few...and they tasted just fine too...does dried fruit go bad I wonder...
...midmorning snack was a piece of toast with peanut butter and flaxseed...
...topped with a banana...
...for lunch...also from the cupboard cleaning...I found a box of 'rings' pasta...and I thought I'd just make them into a ramen soup...
...they actually worked really well as ramen...the texture of the squiggly rings was just right...
...I just seasoned them with some garlic powder, onion powder, ginger and soy sauce...
...for afternoon snack...I whipped up some mustard dip and pretzels...
...and supper was baked tofu...with steak sauce...a baked Japanese sweet potato...Griddler-ed broccoli...and a big salad...
...and you knew there would be s'mores...right...
...vegan grahams...vegan marshmallows...and vegan dark delicious...takes me right back to Girl Scout Camp...haha...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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