Tuesday, September 07, 2021

...9.7...Mountain Bike--Commuter Bike Conversion...Day 17...


Previous Changes:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
...so the project continues with just one more little tiny thing...
...I brought the bike inside to sit on my sofa and crochet a little bit of padding around the prongs that hold the basket in place as that seemed to be where the 'rattling' was coming from...and that worked...
...the finished 'pads'...
...I did them in white so that they'd kind of blend in with the basket...I didn't really want a pop of colour there...

...and the prongs still fit and 'work'...holding the basket securely...and noiselessly to its bracket...
...but as I rode the bike a couple more times another annoying little rattle-y sound surfaced...and that was only because I broke my nice glass water bottle...which didn't rattle because it had a sleek neoprene cover...

...but...unfortunately...on a super hot 98° F day (37° C)...I put it into the freezer to 'chill' for an hour or so before my ride...and I was walking across the kitchen to open the freezer door and take it out when I heard it EXPLODE...arghhhh...I loved that water bottle...

...oh well...lucky to have another unbreakable one...

...so I took the little wire basket-prong thing-y that holds the water bottle off the bike...and knit another long-ish tube of the rainbow yarn...
...and then just slipped it around the bottle holder...
...I think that will work...
...and just screwed it back onto the bike frame...
...and slipped the stainless steel water bottle in place...happy that it still fits...

...so that's pretty much it...

...the Mountain Bike is converted...

~Have a lovely day!

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