Tuesday, December 02, 2008

O Tannenbaum

We have a gorgeous tree this year...

Here's all the work that went into it...

The Man-Cub picked the perfect tree...

We strung the lights throughout the house - and replaced a few - the bubblers go on after the lights are on the tree so that they won't be at the back...

Jack was oddly curious about the lights - and allowed his picture to be taken...

The Man and the Man-Cub wound the tree with lights...

Each ornament was carefully placed...

And the Man-Cub stood on tippy-toe on a chair to put the tree topper on...


  1. very pretty tree. ;o)

  2. yes, how pretty! i think we'll decorate the ficus tree again!! yep, the same ficus you sent to me when i made staff engineer at ibm - getting close to 20 yrs ago!! thanks again!! love, k

  3. Thanks Paul - thanks for visiting!

  4. Hey K,

    You'll have to post pictures of it - do you do ornaments or just lights?



  5. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I want to get my decorations up now!
    This weekend I HAVE to!

  6. Nice. We may put up a small tree this year since Christmas will be at our house. Will post pic much later, probably the 20th. E

  7. That is beautiful! I can't wait until this weekend when we get our up and decorated. :~)

  8. That is a beautiful tree!
