Wednesday, June 19, 2024

...6.19...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...I finished the head section in one sitting as was a lot like turning the heel on a sock...and then I had to decide if I wanted a bright yellow beak...or a more gold-toned one...
...after looking at several photos of actual chickens...I decided on the can really see the short row shaping with the chicken laying flat like this...
...then I knit the wattle and the comb... sew the comb on first as you want that done before you add the eyes...and I got a set of brown safety eyes at Joann's... really does sort of bring the chicken to life...
...then you sew the beak closed and add the wattle...I only have the little underbelly section left to knit...and then putting it together and stuffing it...of course...
...y'all may have noticed the silver watch I was wearing in the peach's actually years and years old...a long ago Christmas gift from the Man...and I put it away when I got my Garmin watch...which lasted about 9 years...I recently tried replacing the battery in it and the screen looks exactly the same as can't read the still communicates with the Iphone for fitness results...but I was using it for an actual watch as well...

...anywhoo...when I got my old Fossil watch out of the jewelry just felt too tight...but I had saved the extra clasp and I got out the eyeglass tool kit...and added a link back...and guess it's too loose...but I like it better loose than tight...

...what's in your workbasket this week?

~Have a lovely day!


  1. The chicken is looking very good. Good thing you saved your extra clasp and now you have a wearable watch once more. Take care.

  2. cluck cluck cluck, I see a chicken!!
