Tuesday, March 23, 2010

...still sleeping...

We have been enjoying this warmer 'winter jacket' kind of weather - it's usually foggy in the morning and overcast - so we went out to Sully's Hill to see if the critters were waking up...

The flowers were not waking up yet...

...but their stems are quite pretty against the snow...

...so are the grasses...

...we saw some sleepy buffalo...

...and What's That?...

...do you see the points through the trees...

...a little closer and still too sleepy to be bothered by us puny humans...


  1. Great photos! I loooove buffalo.

  2. Love the racks on those beasts; simply magnificent!

  3. Those are great photos of the wildlife and the plants. One doesn't see those animals just outside my door ;-)

  4. wow! those are great photos! that's certainly different than the environment in which you grew up!!

    love, k

  5. Oh wow, buffalo! They are so magnificent and to be able to see them in the wild is such a joy! Lucky you!

    We have grey squirrels in the garden, deer and rabbits out in the parks and countryside. Lots of deer, but also smaller than the splendid animals in your photos.

    When do the snakesicles thaw out - those who live under the garage?

  6. Anonymous3:54 PM

    So lovely!

  7. Reminds me of our trip to Sully's Hill. No snow then, I think it was 80 degrees even in September. Animals are still there, though. I'm sure sprng is coming to you soon. MOM

  8. Amazing! Reminds me a bit of Colorado, I miss it sometimes...

  9. Anonymous12:08 AM

    You are so lucky to live where you do. It is so beautiful. I have a blog post in the works about the beauty of my home. Now I really need to get on it.

  10. I love the sleepy wildlife in your area. The fact that you can see plant life now means all that snow of yours is melting.

    I hope the pipes they put under the road last year carry all the water created by the melting snow away.

  11. buffalo? that's amazing! i've never seen one of those, ever...

    i've been AWOL, but i'm catching up on your posts now and you have been busy!

  12. Those are AWESOME photos!

  13. Anonymous1:16 PM

    What pretty pictures!

  14. Just beyooooooootiful!
