Friday, February 03, 2012

...The projects...keeping me from unpacking... we continue to unpack and (try to) put things away...

...we keep running into little projects that need to be done before we can accomplish what we started out to do... example was the contac paper project...

...and now we have the linen closet project...

...the former owners certainly seemed to like things covered up...carpet/wallpaper/contac paper, all abound here...

...when I got to the boxes labeled linen closet in the garage...I carried them upstairs to the linen closet and started to unpack...

...only to find that all the shelves had been coated with wallpaper... I peeled off what I could...

...and left the shelves to soak for a bit in a tub of warm water...

...apparently the wallpaper glue was not enough as they had also used some other sort of glue as well...

...luckily it was water soluble...

...I just scraped it all off...gave the shelves a good scrub and left them to dry... what should have taken about 30 minutes to unpack...took all afternoon...and then because I wanted the shelves to be completely dry before I put the linens on them...I left them to dry overnight and finished the job this morning...


  1. yikes! The Lord sure is testing your patience with this move! LOL hope it gets easier! ;)

  2. that turned out so nicely! what a lovely should see my piled up mess!

    love, k

  3. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Doesn't it feel good to have everything fresh and new and you though? I wish I would have done that when we moved in here. I am finally doing that now 8 years later.

  4. Anonymous8:35 PM

    your hexagon quilt is LOVELY! :)


  5. I know it took a while, but you did a glorious job! The closet looks grand. I hope you don't have to uncover anything else besides that carpet.
