Saturday, April 21, 2012

...from my back deck...

...this happy little guy was on our back deck...Scout fed him some peanuts...


  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Cute! We never have any cute critters in our yard. The dog chases them away.

  2. what a funny little guy. :)

    it's been a while since i've been here . . . i love your buttons! and your cardigan. :)

    and i think i need to try making kale chips - even if i'm the only one who would like them in my house - they look yummy. :)

    have a happy sunday!

  3. yes, cute - but i hope scout is keeping his distance. the one frank used to hand-feed bit robert's thumb to the bone one time many years ago!! it was an accident, i'm sure - the squirrel was only chomping down on the nut robert was holding. but it was a nasty bite!

    yay spring! love, k

  4. It all looks lovely and green!

    Cute crittur - lovely stripes. Our squirrels are plain grey. We have one who'se been in the wars, lost most of his tail and blind in one eye. Goes by the name of 'Stumpy' not very original but apt.

  5. I hate it when I forget my camera--but your pictures turned out lovely all the same. It would be so much fun to be able to motor around out there on a boat in the summer!
