Monday, August 22, 2011

...the August Garden...

...Now that we're of the first things that I needed to do was visit the garden... August gardens can get quite overgrown...and mine is too...but I remembered the camera this time...

...Behold!...the Garden...

...a few herbs...Cilantro...

...Nanny's can never have too much basil...

...and dill...I'll be making some pickles if we get enough cucumbers...

...carrots...two varieties...denvers...and atomic reds... lovely okra pods yet...but still holding out hope that we'll get some before the first frost...

...turnips...I may have planted too many...

...and peas...yes...I'll be picking my first spring peas in August... looks like there's a ton of beans on them...

...limas...I've never grown limas before...and they look pretty small...

...lots of blooms maybe...

...and squash...oh my goodness...I've never seen so much yellow squash...

...there's a whole basket just of yellow squash in there...good thing we love it so...

...that's cucumber to the left and butternut to the right...we aren't getting a lot of cucumbers...I'm wondering if they're not too crowded by the butternut...which is taking over the garden with 20-30 foot vines...we'll have some butternuts this fall...

...Rutger's heirloom tomatoes...

...potatoes...we'll be digging some soon...and that's one of those butternut vines snaking it's way through the potatoes too...

...and Scout's corn...we have high hopes for the corn this year too...the last time we grew corn (2 years ago)...I think we got about 5 ears...

...not pictured were the two rows of onions...

...and my bounteous basket of fresh organic veg...


  1. What a lovely garden you are growing up there! Except for the herbs, watermelon, gourds and okra my garden is disk up and waiting to be replanted for fall. I miss it already! xx

  2. Absolutely Maria Rose - WOW!

    What a beautiful garden, it is a picture, an edible picture!

  3. hey! it's a wonderful garden - and it really didn't look all that overgrown to me. (i think someone has been doing some weeding in your absence!!) love, k

  4. Oh yummy day! That is QUITE a garden!

  5. very impressive garden!

  6. What a treat to come home to such bountiful veg in your garden!

    The dill and cilantro are making me wish I had planted some - maybe next year. Happy Harvesting!

  7. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Your garden is fabulous! I am hoping that next spring I will have more time to really devote myself to a great garden for produce. We definitely have the room.

  8. Anonymous12:02 AM

    your garden is looking so lovely and sunny! so nice!

  9. I'm with Karen. I think someone has been 'helping' you with keeping that beautiful garden free of weeds. Maybe you can grow one in your own backyard next year. MOM
