Tuesday, December 21, 2010

...an Heirloom Baptismal Gown...

...Every December 20th finds us watching the same old video...

...it's the anniversary of Scout's Baptism...

...it seems so long ago...and yet it seems like it was yesterday...

...he was such a good baby...

...so alert and interested in everything around him...you can even tell that he already loved books...

...he was so intently watching the water...

...and fascinated by the candle...which, by the way, I guess I didn't realize the implications twelve years ago, of lighting that candle every year on the anniversary...oh well - it'll be brief...

...as the Pastor introduced him to the congregation - he only had eyes for the video camera...

...anywhooo...you can see that he's wearing a hand knit baptism gown...and somewhere I have a professional portrait of him wearing it as well...

...of course I started knitting this when I was pregnant...

...and I finished it the week of the baptism...

...it's from a pattern in an old McCall's Needlework Magazine...

...it had three different sections...

...but by the time I was finishing the back - I did the bottom fan section and then switched to simple stockinette stitch - which I could do while nursing - I spent a lot of time nursing...

...oh...and there were beads as well...I had never worked with beads before...

...but I loved all of the detail and that this baptismal gown will become an heirloom and be used by Scout's children and their children...and so on...


  1. wow, you look so young!! beautiful - 'course, i was there, so i already knew! he was (and still is) always so sweet!

    love, k

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I love heirloom baptism gowns. My brother, myself and my children were all baptized in the same gown. My mom has a card in the box with the gown with the child's name and date of their baptism.

  3. There are so many things I love about this post. I love that you watch the video on the anniversary of his baptism. I LOVE the gown and your precious memories of making it. I love that it reminded me of the gown my grandmother sewed for my children to be baptized in. He was a gorgeous baby, by the way!!

  4. wow. that is absolutely beautiful! :)

  5. that is gorgeous!What a beautiful job! Such a wonderful thing to live on in your family <3!

  6. Thank you for sharing such a tender moment.

  7. Absolutely gorgeous! When I went to a Lutheran elementary School we used to celebrate our baptism birthdays ;)

  8. You know I have that portrait hanging on a bedroom wall. It was a beautiful gown and service.Love, MOM

  9. Absolutely gorgeous and priceless! You knit so beautifully. Scout is very lucky!

  10. You made that?! That's just amazing. What a thing to be able to make an heirloom. What a lovely way to spend that precious time too.

    Merry Christmas!

  11. Such a nice yearly tradition! What a beautiful little baby he was. And the hand-knitted gown is really special, it's gorgeous and looks so soft. I love that you knit on it while nursing, I managed to knit a bit while nursing Wee One, not on anything nearly as spectacular though.
