I had promised the Man-Cub that his new North Country Hat would be ready Monday, and I spent some of my free time at Red Willow knitting it. The hat was ready, but alas and alack, it did not fit him. I had followed the pattern exactly, but did not swatch. I already know that my stitches are “nice and tight”, but not neurotically so, and the pattern is for an adult hat – so I thought it would be ok. It did go on his head, but it was just a little too snug. So with Christmas on it’s way – I decided not to frog – as it will make a handy gift for a smaller-headed person. But, it did sort of defeat the purpose of using up the leftover sweatshirt yarn, as I now had to go out and buy more camo yarn. So I knit another one, on size 11 needles this time, and it fits him perfectly. I was surprised that there is more than a subtle difference in the colors of the two hats ‘though. The Man-Cub loves it and wore it tonight – he even already hinted to his friend (who admired the hat) that he may get one exactly like it – funny.
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