Tuesday, November 25, 2014

...The King is Coming...a Pre-School Bulletin Board idea...

...with Advent fast approaching...I thought I'd share a lesson/bulletin board idea that I used with the Preschool Sunday School class last year...
...this is the bulletin board after Epiphany...but the way it works is...

...I drew really simple shapes on construction paper and let the kids cut them out...

Advent Week one:

Have a little lesson about Joseph and Mary traveling to Bethlehem - cut out Joseph and Mary figures a donkey and a stable and an empty manger...and the words THE KING IS COMING...and put those on the board...I let the kids position the figures and hold them up and I just put a couple of staples in each one...you may need to move them around a bit as the weeks go on and you have more things on your board...

Week 2:

Cut out a Star (we put lots of glitter on ours), an Angel and some shepherds and sheep and put those on the board - read the lesson from the Bible about the Angels and the Star appearing to the shepherds...we also put a goat and a cow in our stable this week too...

Week 3:

Cut out the Three Wise Men and a camel and use sticky-tacky to mount the Wise Men on the wall down the hallway (or just around the other side of the room) from the scene...read the story about the Wise Men in the Bible - we'll move them to the Bulletin Board on Epiphany Sunday...

Week 4:

Cut out Baby Jesus and put him in the manger cut out the word HERE and change the word COMING to HERE - read the story of the birth of Jesus in the Bible - move the Wise Men closer to the manger but don't put them on the board yet...

Epiphany Sunday: Move the Wise Men onto the scene...

Wasn't that fun!

~Have a lovely day!


  1. The sheep are splendid.

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