Friday, January 03, 2025

...1.3...Friday Update... case you were worried that we'd take a break from renovation...HA!
...of course not...we've had all of our gutters replaced...the crew that came out to do that were super nice...we have a pretty large roof and our 4 inch gutters were just not able to hold all of the water coming off our roof...but they'd been like that for 20 we have shiny new 5 inch gutters now...and one small run of 6 inch where the gables come together on the front...and an additional we shouldn't have any more overflowing gutters...
...and back inside...we've cleared out the guest room...
...and in the process completely messed up the cute little bedroom...oh well...all of that stuff had to go somewhere...
...and we've set up a door painting station in the middle of the room...this room has lots of doors...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the new color! I won’t spoil it for anyone who hasn’t see the sample painted already. Love, K
