I just finished reading two of Jon Krakauer's books - Into the Wild - the tragic story of Chris McCandless and Into Thin Air - the tragic story of the 1996 disaster on Mt. Everest. Lest you think I only read tragic stories - I do like to read non-fiction and I like outdoor, sort of adventure stories but I've had enough tragedy for a while and right now I'm reading two hilarious books by Laurie Notaro - The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club and the Autobiography of a Fat Bride. These are really funny.
It's funny how my knitting projects are divided by when and where I work on them. Socks always go to Tae Kwon Do class and I knit them while the Man-Cub has his class. I'm currently working on a sweatshirt for said Man-Cub which only goes to the library and the park on Saturdays. Then I have a perpetual - use up leftover yarn project - which I only work on in the big room while watching TV. It's really too big to be portable - though I might consider boxing it up and taking it on a long car trip, as it's a pretty mindless knit.
Right now I'm knitting more socks for winter - which is fast approaching.
So there's my first post. Bienvenue a mon monde!
Hey Teresa! this is fun - i've not figured out some of the process to post photos yet, but I'll get it eventually....talk to ya later! K