It's the Man-Cub's favorite too. So when we run out - Karen will just have to trot back over to China and bring us some more. It's a very fragrant green tea with just a hint of smokiness...
...I like smoked teas - but that wasn't always the case - when I was in college, I had a Classics professor who didn't want to drive the 3 miles to the University every day and so he had a handful of us rising seniors come to his house (on Kimberly) for a seminar on Horace - as a treat during a short break his wife - also a Classics prof - would make coffee for us - until one of the other students complained that the caffeine bothered him - so she started making Earl Grey tea instead - and I was happy at this point because I loved Earl Grey tea - several days went by and all was well - then one day - she made Lapsong Souchong instead - and I HATED it - I thought - this is horrible - how could anyone drink this - but drink it I did (one has to be polite) - thinking that tomorrow she would revert back to Earl Grey - but she never did and I had to drink the smoked tea for the rest of the semester. It just goes to show that you really can get used to anything - and no matter what we're having for dinner - we always insist that the Man-Cub eat 2 bites - if you never accustom your taste buds to new things you will never like new things...
This is the tea right out of the bag - it smells wonderful...
The leaves uncurl as it steeps
- but the tea never gets very dark.
The Man-Cub takes his Dragon Well tea with about 1/2 teaspoon of sugar - but it's sweet smoky flavor is just right without it...