Tuesday, May 19, 2020

...the First...100 days of sweat...

...yesterday there was cause for celebration chez Affectioknit...
...I completed my first 100 Days of Sweat challenge...
...it's been around for a while but I had not heard of it...so I started in February...and it's been amazing...

...I started out small...just a 5 minute run (jog really)...10 push-up...10 situps...10 mountain climbers (our Airman calls them Burpees)...10 jumping jacks...

...but now I do...a 20 minute run (still mostly a jog but I do a full out run for several one minute intervals)...20 push ups...50 situps...20 mountain climbers and 50 jumping jacks...

...and the goal is just to work out until you sweat...each day...
...so I'm starting over...and I've posted a brand new chart on the fridge...the Man laughs at how much enjoyment I get out of crossing each day off the chart...I sort of do too...haha...

...have you ever done the 100 day challenge?...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, 100 days is a lot! I should do that....

    Love, K
