Thursday, September 17, 2020

...9.17...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

...I started off the morning with some tea...of course...and an apple and some pecans...
...then I mixed some frozen blueberries into some homemade vegan yogurt...and let that sit a bit...
...when it had thawed...I stirred the blueberries into the was so very good...
...and then...I'm still calling this breakfast...since I'm not snacking...haha...I had half of an everything bagel and some homemade vegan cream cheese...this batch was made with the leftover almond pulp/meal from making almond milk...
...then for lunch...I sliced up one of those gorgeous firm green tomatoes...
...coated it with a little bit of cornmeal and 'fried' it in the Foreman oil needed...
...and I ate that whole plate of green tomato...the Man does not care for 'fried' green tomatoes...but he could have had some if he wanted...wink...
...and then to finish off lunch...I defrosted a couple of muffin cups of vegetable soup from the freezer...
...for dinner I used the Foreman Grill again to make some 'fried' okra...I'm glad that this works so well...because that would really be a lot of oil today if I were really frying all these veggies...
...boiled some golden potatoes...the Man and I each had a whole one and a half...
...and I had made some cubed tofu for another recipe...and I had some leftover...kindof strange to eat it like this but it was still good...I had Heinz 57 with the tofu...and some broccoli (also made in the Foreman Grill)...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. My usual bran cereal/banana/almond milk for breakfast, a cheese sandwich and pasta salad for lunch and I was really bad for supper - fried mahi-mahi fingers and french fries. Then some oreo cookies as a snack while watching Doc Martin! Love, K
