Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Health Fair

I worked at the Health Fair at the Man-Cub's school. I worked at the Hydration Station - cute. We had posters about hydration and a bottle of water for every student.

Every 5 minutes the kids changed stations with 2 minutes of exercise in between - so we were doing jumping jacks and kicks and push ups and squats and running -

so I don't need to work out today - haha.


  1. Hey, I thought hydration was a problem for more tropical climes!! Just kiddin' - guess the air can get pretty dry up there.

    We're set to get our first taste of winter this year tonight. Probably will just spit a little wet snow and turn to rain. The high is supposed to be 41 degrees, so can't do too much damage!

    Take care, K

  2. Hey,

    We're supposed to get some snow tonight too - no news there - Columbia is supposed to get some sleet as well - that is news - of the traffic stopping kind...

    Stay warm,


