Monday, November 18, 2024

...11.18...Over the Weekend...

...we got the shopping done early...and we went to the health food store...and got some organic cornmeal (for some reason the grocery stores don't have any organic versions)...a couple of spices to refill...and some organic new potatoes...
...we meal prepped some collards...
...and some pintos...
...baked a tray of tortillas into chips...
...and made a big batch of delicious guacamole...
...checked on the winter garden...but there's really nothing to do right now...everything is growing and green...
...but the little patio tomatoes are definitely waning...
...I'll probably get one more 'harvest'... and then I'll pull them up...
...but I used them to make a delicious tomato sammie for lunch...
...and since we had a new loaf of bread...I got the heel for a was a little bit hard to the little tomatoes wanted to fall out of the sandwich...haha...
...the Man dug the holes for the that they're acclimated...
...and we got them into the ground...and mulched...
...I am going to have to get more mulch though...three bags was not enough for very good coverage...
...and I sat on the concrete for an hour or so and weeded the new sedum along the driveway...we thought the little pebbles would prevent weeds...but they do not...oh well...
...and I mixed up a batch of "Sleepy Time" tea...just equal parts lemon grass, chamomile and then about half that much mint... looks smells and tastes exactly like Sleepy Time...I keep it in a leftover tea tin...
...but I wanted to label it as we have several of these black I just got a post-it note and sketched the Sleepy Time bear on it...and I enjoyed it so much that it reminded me that I need to do more sketching...
...I love how he turned out...and now we'll know which tin the Sleepy Time is in...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

1 comment:

  1. Aww that's a sweet little tin for your tea!!! Your yard is looking very transformed! Love, K
