Friday, December 13, 2024

...12.13...Friday Update...

...I know y'all are waiting with baited breath to see if the kitchen remodel will be complete in time for the big family Christmas party...TOMORROW!!!...YIKES!!!...
...especially since so much seems to be unfinished...but we really are almost finished...this week...we have accomplished a LOT!...

...the final coat of White snow on the lower cabinets is done...
...and we found that the two sides of the counter top are not exactly I'll be fudging a bit on the tile behind the stove to make up that difference...there will be a larger grout line on one side of the bottom two rows...just in this area behind the stove...and then everything above that will be level... I tacked a ledger board in place...
...and started tiling...
...the area behind the stove is all set...
...and grouted...
...and the little bit beside it is grouted and sealed as well...
...and now continuing around the room...
...I was surprised at how many tiles in this box had a corner broken's probably going to be ok as they can mostly be used for tiles that have to be cut anyway...
...I leaned the first row up so we could gauge where to make the edge cuts...
...we've decided to go ahead and extend the tile to the door jamb on this side of the room...there's just about a half inch there...and it would make that light switch finishing a bit awkward if there was no tile under half of it... continuing to set he tile on the final run...
...all set...and I'm so happy that the tile cutting saw can be stowed away for a while...haha...
...and grouted...and the same can be said for the grout and all of the tools associated with it...the kitchen is clearing out a little at a time...
...caulking the little cracks in the tall upper cabinets...
...and mid-week...this topper for the stove arrived...since we mostly use out induction plate anyway this turns our stovetop into countertop...and it's easily removeable if we need to use multiple burners on the stove...
...the Man (mostly...I did some holding and handing) installed the new range hood...
...I love how far it is above the stovetop...
...and we were finally able to slide the stove back into it's niche...and a little bit more clutter is out of the kitchen/dinette floor...
...and...this is STILL the state of the big room...cabinets, sawhorses and dropcloths juxtaposed with the Christmas will all be finished and back in place by tomorrow morning...
...we meticulously labled all of the hardware so we could reinstall it and hopefully not have to do any adjustment to the doors when we reinstall them... rather late yesterday...we put the upper doors back in place...
...I'm so happy about how nice and bright it makes the kitchen feel...
...and I also did the final sealant on the all that's left are the lower doors and they'll go back in place very very soon...

...the end of the kitchen reno is in sight now...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Great job in the kitchen! Your living room is looking lovely too. Have a great family dinner. Merry Christmas to you and your house.

  2. I'm tired just paging thru that post!!! Of course, I've seen it all in person now. It' is just an amazingly wonderful transformation!! Love, K
