I made two peach pies for the Bazaar - I figured the Southern Girl should make the peach pies.

For the filling:
1 pint frozen peaches
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup flour
1 t. cinnamon

Flaky Pie Crust - I found this on the web a long time ago and I made a card for my recipe box - but I don't remember where I got it - so I can't give proper credit.
9 INCH - 2 crust pie shell:
1 3/4 c. flour
1/2 c. oil
3-4 tbsp. cold water
Stir oil and water. Add all at once to the flour. Mix and roll out between sheets of wax paper.
Assemble pies and bake at 425° for about 30 minutes - until juice is bubbly and crust is brown.

Then we took the Man-Cub to the pool - there were about 30 other children there so he had plenty of people to play with.
Making a vortex...All of the kids got together in the area where the slide used to end - and started going around and around in the same direction until they created a votex in the center - it was dizzying to watch - but they had a lot of fun. One of the workers told us that they have ordered a new slide and it will be installed by the 20th of December - so we're looking forward to that.
When we got back home - we had a snack and sort of ruined our appetite for dinner, but I made some "Fried Apple Pies" anyway. Mom used to make these when I was little - she really did fry hers - I call mine Fried Apple Pies, but they are really baked.
This was some leftover pie dough from the Peach Pies. Just roll it out between two sheets of saran or wax paper.

Then put some apple filling in - I chopped up a red delicious apple from the fruit bowl - but a tarter apple would be even better. Since it was a sweet apple, I only added about a Tablespoon of Sugar and some cinnamon and a little flour. The little pies don't hold as much as you would think.

Then fold them over and press the sides together with a fork.

The edges got a little too brown, but it was delicious non-the-less. I'll post about the tea cozy another time...
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