They did very well – and collected about 500 lbs of food and about $185 to help the local food bank during the holidays. By the time we delivered the food and got home it was 8 PM, and we still had Sunday School lessons to prepare.

Sorry this is so dark - it's inside the warehouse where we took the food.
Then Sunday, of course, we had our regular service at church, then the Man helped me set up the tables, tablecloths and candles for the Community Thanksgiving Service, which our church hosted this year. We got home about 2 PM and I made a quick potato soup and cornbread lunch, because we had to be back at the church at 4:30 to finish setting up. For the “little lunch” after the service I made the MIL’s second gingerbread recipe. The Man said the first one she sent was not “cakey” enough. The service was very nice and after clean up, we got home again about 8:30. So I don’t think any of us felt like we had much of a weekend. Good thing this is a short week.
Monday is Cub Scout day around here – but right after school, one of the ladies from church asked the Man-Cub over for hot cocoa, so we did that first, then set up for scouts. First we had to make our Bear masks and practice our skit for next Monday’s Pack Meeting – it’s really cute:

C and D walk to the tent.
C – Well it’s time to turn in for the night.
D – Oh no – it looks like the tent will only hold one person.
C – let’s flip a coin for it.
D – Heads
C – flips coin - Tails – well goodnight – C crawls into tent
D lies down outside the tent
Wild bears come and attack D – then run away
D – C C wake up quick – these bears just attacked me – let me in
C – there’s no room – go back to sleep
D lies down outside the tent again
Wild bears come and attack D again – then run away
D – C C you have to let me in – these bears just attacked me again.
C – OK all right – I’ll switch places with you –
D crawls into the tent and C lies down outside.
The Wild Bears come back , but stop before the attack
J – Guys, we’ve attacked that guy outside twice now – let’s get the guy in the tent.
Line up and take a bow.

Then we went to a local historical house for a tour – it was wonderful – the house was built in 1906 so it’s 100 years old and it belonged to a doctor. This young couple bought it and completely renovated it – it was even featured on Bob Villa’s Restore America. She told us the whole story and the cubs were fascinated and very well behaved. Then we toured the oldest church in town – it’s an Episcopal Church and sadly now only has about 30 members. It was tons of fun and we all learned a lot. Some of the parents who went with us said they had lived here all their lives and had never been in the old church.

Here the scouts are listening at the back stairway to a speaking tube that was used to call the servants from upstairs.

Here the scouts are examining a pocket door that was walled up and only found during the restoration.
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