Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Too much of a good thing

...there can never be...

I think I'll try drying these tomatos as we can't possibly eat them all. We didn't have too many cucumbers this year - and we still have relish (chow-chow) and pickles from last year so I probably won't be canning these either. We're going to dig our potatoes and beets this weekend - but I'm not expecting a super crop...


  1. I can't even imagine having too many tomatoes!

    And thanks for your compliment on my blog. I love walking into my bedroom now :)

  2. hey - i'm behind with everything right now, so i haven't commented lately! i've got employees on vacation over the next few weeks, so i actually have to work most days! ugh....looks like you're busy, as usual! love, k

  3. Your tomatoes are a lot nicer than ours. I still have plenty, but they have blemishes. I have been canning a few to save them. Your French dressing sounds good, too. E
