Wednesday, February 22, 2012

...Sawtelle progress...'s coming along nicely...


  1. The colours are lovely, I like them together. Garter stitch always looks effective.

    I'm thinking of knitting a sweater/jacket from a vintage pattern, a bit reluctant because my latest knitting hasn't worked out too well!! I do like the grey 'neutral' that you're using.

  2. I finished the baby afghan I was working on this weekend, and cast on for the Sawtelle sweater last night. Had to go back to the video of how to knit Continental style. Hopefully I'll get the first row knit tonight. Progress, not perfection.

  3. That's a lot of garter stitch. Nice and easy. But I did read recently that garter grows slower than stockinette because of the way the stitches build on each other.

  4. Ah it definitely is. Thanks for sharing!

  5. :) I know I'm a bit slow on commenting on blogs lately, but even so, I wanted to say that this looks cozy, soft, and inviting.
