"Granola" as slang
"Granola" is also used as a slang term (metonym) describing a person who is hippie-like, a modern bohemian, environmentalist, or leftist in outlook[1]. The protagonist of Neal Stephenson's Zodiac delights in the nickname "Granola James Bond". Prop comic Gallagher, and one-time candidate for governor in the 2003 California recall election, uses the term in a similarly pejorative manner – "California is like a bowl of granola; full of fruits, nuts, and flakes."
Anyway it's a yummy breakfast cereal - now made much easier to make with BRYANNA’S MICROWAVE FAT-FREE MAPLE-COCONUT GRANOLA http://www.bryannaclarkgrogan.com/page/page/661699.htm
This was super-duper-easy-peasy. Just mix the ingredients with your hands and spread on parchment paper in the Microwave (the recipe calls for wax paper - but I prefer parchment)...

I couldn't even wait until it cooled - it smelled so good - I poured some soymilk over and...

YUM - I know you want some - go make it now...

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