...the cooler tent with it's canopy...it's leaning like that and the towels are strategically placed for 'privacy'...hilarious...but I'm sure it's much much cooler...
...another STEAMY morning in First Aid class...
...the Chapel in the Pines...in the blazing sun...
...the fire tower...also in the blazing sun...
...and my shadow in the blazing sun...you can see the straps to my camel back...we were drinking about 6 quarts of water a day to stay hydrated...and I'm wearing my Boonie...'gotta wear your Boonie'...was almost the mantra around here...
...a new sign commemorating the 100 year anniversary of Scouting last year...
...Camp wilderness map...
...we have twins in our Troop and each year at camp they celebrate a Birthday...and it's so nice of the folks in the Canteen to bake them a Birthday cake to celebrate!...
...I saw so many instances of Scouts being KIND this week...helping one another cope with the heat...checking on Scouts that had to go to the infirmary for heat related issues...helping a not-so-athletic scout onto the bouncing raft...Scouts really are KIND...
...I tested Scouts in the Motorboating Merit Badge class...I did this last year for our own Scout...it's fun...and both boys in my boat did a great job...
...in the evening...we all headed to the Waterfront for some fun activities...there was a 'Swamp the Canoe' race...
...and a Belly-Flop Contest...OUCH!...
...but the main event...right at sunset (when this camera doesn't like to take good photos)...was the Iron Man Competition...that's Scout lining up second from the right...he was our swimmer...
...and they're off...
...heading for the buoy...I can't actually tell which one is Scout...
...running up the beach to tag the canoers...
...our canoers gained some ground...and the M.C. stated that this race is won or lost in the canoe round...
...the canoers tag the runner...and he's a blur...
...and finally the Assistant Scout Master has to eat an orange...our team came in FOURTH...the best Iron Man ever!
what fun!!! love, k