...as I said Saturday...we were in Logan for a Boy Scout Merit Badge College...

...Logan claims to be the friendliest town in West Viriginia...

...and if you judge by Welcome signs...it probably is...these signs were everywhere...
...and everyone WAS really NICE...I stopped and asked for directions 3 (THREE) times...and everyone was very nice and friendly...

...Logan is literally cut out of and built clinging to the sides of some very steep mountains along the banks of the Guyandotte River...

...so there are lots of scenes like this...

...and this mountainside completely covered wtih chain link fencing to keep the rocks from falling onto the building...amazing...

...but mostly just lots of this...and the closed in...shadowed feeling...where the sun only shines when it's directly overhead...

...I wanted to drive up into the hills...where these houses were precariously perched on the side of the mountain...

...so I asked for directions...and started up a little one lane road into the hills...the houses were right above you on the uphill side...

...and you were looking down onto the roofs of the houses below...

...the street wound up into the hillside...and cars were parked on the uphill side facing both directions...proving that this was not a one way street...I guess one of you would just back up until you could safely pull over...luckily that didn't hapen to me...

...there were lots of abandoned houses like this one...

...a hillside cemetary...

...more rooftops crowded together...

...overlooking the town...

...a very tall house on this side...only two stories on the other side...

...a Church...looks like it's pretty well 'supported'...

...the hospital is 'supported' as well...with buttresses that leave it hanging out over the river...

...I saw this Church on the way into town...and I was determined to find it and see how it was supported as it looked like it was just placed on the side of the road like a model...
...there's a sheer drop off to the left...those are tree tops even with the doorway...

...and after winding around and some wrong turns...(I am a tourist after all)...I finally found the little Church...I'm guessing parking is quite a problem on Sunday mornings...

...back in town for a Hot Cup...
...downtown was quaint and sort of run down...Logan had been a thriving coal town at one time...and a lot of the stores had closed...it sort of reminded me of the little towns in North Dakota...

...I'll leave you with a Birdseye view of the Business District, Logan, W. Va...
~Have a lovely day!
what an interesting tour!!! that sortof reminds me of some caribbean towns with houses perched on hillsides....bet it gets colder in logan, though! love, k
ReplyDeleteWhat a fascinating town. Reminds me of some small towns in Southern Spain where the roads turn into steps - and yet, at the top of the town are parked cars!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to get out and tour. It looks like Spring is coming to your part of the world.