Monday, April 14, 2014

...Vegan Easter Egg Dyeing...

...we found these dye-able plastic Easter Eggs at Wal-Mart (affectioknit-ly known around here as Stuff-Mart...a la Veggie Tales Madame Blueberry)...

...but we were beyond thrilled...finally...Vegan Easter Egg Dyeing... we gathered our necessaries...the box says that the dyes will be pastel shades...and we wanted bolder colours... we mixed a little vinegar and a lot of food colouring...

...and started dipping 'eggs'...
...with pretty traditional results...Scout even made a two coloured one...
...oh...and the funny brown one was supposed to be purple...Scout said it would be really hard to find if you hid it in the leaves...
...and here they are in Scout's Easter Basket that his great grandmother made for him when he was a baby...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. I am helping out at the Easter Egg hunt organised by the local residents association, Saturday. Should be fun.

  2. who 'woulda though they had those! neat.....pretty! love, k
