Monday, May 19, 2014

...comfort food...

...I'm just (sort of) getting my appetite back...all these meds wreak havoc with the digestive system...and nothing much has sounded good food-wise for a while...but I was kinda craving me some beanie-weenies...

...and the Man obliged by whipping up some from scratch...I can't tell you much by way of recipe...but there's navy beans and great northerns...and molasses...and green pepper and onion...all baked up in there...
...some corn on the cob...vegan potato salad...a vegan weenie...and a cold glass of almond milk...and I was one happy (mostly)-recovered girl...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. yum!! you're making me hungry! love, k

  2. That looks delicious, nothing like comfort food to aid recovery.
