Wednesday, February 25, 2015

...D.I.Y. Plant Support...

...both my sweet sissie and my sweet SIL have posted pics of the amaryllises that we each got for Christmas...but mine has yet to bloom...I wonder why...
...but it's a lanky...floppy thing... need of some support...I think... had a little think...about what I had on hand that I could use to make some sort of support...and came up with an old coat hanger with a bent paper I took that off and got a couple of sets of pliers...
...I left the looped hook intact...but straightened it out a bit...and then made a little hook at the end of one side and hooked that through the look...and then just bent and straightened out the other side and bent it down perpendicular to the loop...
...and now my spindly amaryllis has some support...hopefully it will bloom soon...
...and I only had these two pieces to throw away...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Awwww, maybe you don't get enough sun up there in the hills??? Strange that it grew like that....hang in there though!

    Love, K

  2. I hope she will give you her beauty soon! At least you gave her all your loving care..

  3. The only time I grew one it was a bulb sitting on stones with water in a tall glass vase. It did really well like that.
