Monday, September 26, 2016


...I used the last few apples that my Mom brought to me on her birthday visit to make some apple sauce...I just quartered and seeded them...
...and ran it through a food mill...
...and we had one bowl of the most perfect applesauce (AWESOME-SAUCE) on the planet...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. i just used up the last of those very same apples for some juice (that i will make jelly from very soon)! funny we always end up with some of those every year! love, k

  2. Hooray for awesome sauce!! We canned some applesauce ourselves this past week. We pick from random trees around town (after knocking first, of course). This year we got a bunch of very red Macintosh apples. Since we don't peel our apples either this year we've got some astonishingly pink applesauce. It's pretty neat.
