Wednesday, February 07, 2024

...2.7. ...W.I.P. Wednesday... that Simply Red is's time to finish up this little dolly's wardrobe...I need to make a 'different' version of each of the items I made for Big Sissie's dolly last year...

...I found the project bag...I've got a good 6 weeks or so to get it all done before the birthday...including shipping time... here's her little maillot...front...
...and back...using the pattern that I sketched up for the first dolly's swimsuit...which I didn't really properly document because of 'issues'...haha...but you can see most of it in that post... she is modeling it...
...and again...I'm super pleased with how it turned out...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Hey, we're not doing much work on the boat, really just being too lazy. My biggest "workbasket" item will be recovering the interior cushions when we get home. NOT looking forward to that! Love,K

  2. love your dolls and their ensembles - so sweet!!
