Saturday, January 18, 2014

...vegan broccoli soup...

...I made a delicious soup...simply by throwing some veggies in a pot...
...there are broccoli stems - trimmed...the florets were just steamed...and eaten up...some carrots...mushrooms...onion...and a potato...
...then when everything was nice and soft...I blended it all up...
...I thought about adding some vegan creamer...but it was already so creamy and good that I didn't bother...I think the potato does that...

~Have a lovely weekend...


  1. Delicious soup. I get an organic vegetable box every week and this week there was a leek. I made some leek and potato soup which was also delicious.

  2. yes. the potato does that. since we quit eating gluten, i always thicken soups with a cooked, blended up potato or two. :)
