Monday, January 13, 2014

...Youth Ski Trip...

...well...we are still under extreme water restrictions here in West Virginia...and I'm sure I'll have more to say about that tomorrow...

...but right now I want to tell you about the annual ski trip with the Jr. and Sr. High Youth...

...'cause it was AWESOME...and it got us out of town for the weekend...where there was WATER...that you could actually touch...

...we arrived at Winterplace shortly after dark...
...headed to orientation and got our gear...
...then back to the cabins for a quick picnic supper on the porch...
...then there was fellowship and games...both outside...
...and inside...
...all too soon for our excited teens it was time to climb into our bunks for the night...
...our cabin...the cabins were SUPER!...
...the view from our cabin...
...heavy rain was in the forecast...
...but we strapped on our boots...some of us got a little help...
...and headed out onto the slopes in the pouring rain...
...needless to noon we were soaked...and I do mean SOAKED... we headed in for some lunch and some drying out time...
...I had extra dry clothes so I changed and headed back out on the slopes...
...just as the skies began to clear...
...conditions were still pretty bad...
...I felt sort of bad for the new skiers...
...learning to ski on slush and ice is not much fun...
...the first time they ski on fresh powder...they'll be like...'Oh...this is what it's supposed to be like...'
...there was a pretty sunset...
...and the moon peeked out between the clearing clouds...
...then we had some supper...
...and headed back out for some night skiing...
...Happy Trails to you! was such great Youth Ski Retreat...Last year's Ski Trip here...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. What a relief to be able to get away into the country and onto the slopes.

    Cool skiing duds! And dry, dry is good.

  2. Nice distraction from the water situation.

  3. oh - i love night skiing. :)
    it looks like a great weekend!

  4. Hey, glad you were able to "escape" and get to take showers and such. Good coincidence that the trip was already planned! Love, k
