Thursday, March 26, 2020

...3.26...What I Ate in a a Vegan... thing I've noticed during this stay at home ordinance is that food has become a great source of's kinda fun and exciting to see what we can use up out of the freezer or cupboard...
...breakfast was some generic organic bran flakes topped with raisins and homemade granola...

...I had climbed up on a chair and gotten all of our cereals out of the cabinet where we keep them and this box of bran flakes had gotten pushed to the back up against the wall and was out of may have stayed there past its expiration date...but now we'll use it up...silver linings everywhere...
...I made some peanut butter cookies to use up some crunchy peanut butter...maybe bought by accident or for some recipe...but we don't eat it on sandwiches or crackers so making cookies with it is a good way to use it up...
...I thought I had posted a small batch peanut butter cookie recipe before...but I can't find it...I'll come back and post it if I do...
...lunch was one of my big bowls full of leftovers...Mac and cheeze, collards, saurkraut, tomatoes, baked tofu with BBQ sauce, and some leftover sweet potatoes...
...afternoon snack was some avocado from the freezer on toast...and an apple...and tea of course...
...and for dinner...I got a couple of frozen chunks of yellow-eye beans out of the was hard to tell what kind they were...I had not labeled the bag...and I thought they were pintos...but yellow-eyes were even better...
...some more greens, sauerkraut and a cornbread muffin...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. You'd love it - spaghetti sauce made the plain TVP. I let it simmer for a long time - and I added all kinds of spices, onions, garlic and some capers. (I've recently become fond of them in all sorts of sauces and dressings). Love, K

  2. Yes it's nice to create with the pantry and the freezer.
    Yesterday i had homemade bread and cheese, leftovers, ans vegan sausage, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts and gravy with irish "cheese" bread.
