Friday, June 07, 2024

...6.7...New House and then... continues on the master bathroom...the Man uses this pottery turn-wheel thingy to paint the doors...he says it works perfectly... most of the door are painted...and I'm looking forward to getting the handles put on and re-installing them...

...I'm working on the mirror frame and cleaning the tile grout for the first time in 20 years...
...and then we moved everything out of the dining area...our living room is quite the jumble right now...
...and starting prepping for paintin the ceiling...

...and now back to the past... was late in the evening when we drove up...and noticed that one of our fence slats was missing...not really missing...just lying on the ground...I guess that's what happens when you leave a fence unattended for 20 or so years... in the gathering dusk...we picked the board up from the ground...and got out the tools to fix it...
...the outside of the repaired fence...
...this was also the week in the past when we got the whole house painted...white...of course...
...but the doors and shutters are going to be Charleston Green (or SW - Jasper)'s an article about the colour...
...the freshly painted front porch...I know it's hard to tell how nice it looks without a 'before' photo...
...the front door back in place...looks mostly black...but it's Charleston Green too....
...the shutters painted Charleston Green (SW - Jasper) can see just a hint of green here...
...this is the side of the house you don't usually see...
...the other can sort of see the painted and the unpainted here...again...the old paint was 20 years old...
...they had some really tall ladders... can defnitely see the greenish tint of the Charleston Green here...
...we got a few new painting tools...a wide roller and bucket set...especially for painting the ceilings...
...some paint pail liners...
...a roller keeper...supposedly you can put your used paint roller in here...and it will keep it wet and fresh until the next day so you can do a second coat...and it actually does work really well...
...and a laser level...
...and we also got a cute white aluminum bistro set for the back porch...'s super light...
...the table top...
...we got everything all put together...
...just lots of little pieces...
...but I love it on the porch... then we had toast and tea on the porch...


  1. I love the living room. All the work is coming along very nicely.

  2. I'll have to check out that roller keeper. I've usually wrapped mine in Saran wrap and stashed in the freezer for just a day or but usually has some crusty-bits that aren't perfect..Love, K
