Monday, June 10, 2024

...6.10...Over the Weekend...

...WHEW!...such a busy weekend...
...early Saturday morning...I got busy making Amy a little birthday gift...because...we had gotten the call that they were ready to move Our Airman's 'stuff' out of his storage unit in preparation for his move to Alaska in just a few'll still take it a month or more to get there... you're thinking what does lavender have to do with that...well...since I'd be going back to Charlotte I thought I should try to meet up with Amy to celebrate her birthday (we usually meet in between our June and July birthdays)...and luckily she was able to meet me on such short notice... of course I needed to get her little giftie ready...and I needed to meet the movers at the storage facility at I did not have a lot of time...

...I picked some lavender and put it into the dehydrator...just for a couple of hours as that's all the time I had...
...then I went inside and baked some birthday cupcakes...I used a half of an accidentally vegan white cake mix...and added a spoonful of vanilla a fourth cup of applesauce and EnerG egg replacer...they turned out perfectly moist and fragrant...
...then...I don't know why I thought a half of a cake mix was only going to give me 6 cupcakes...when actually it was enough for 12...(as the package clearly states) I used the remainder to make a small cake for the Man and me...and I iced it with chocolate...
...then I iced Amy's with white and added a bunch of sprinkles...
...and put them into a tupperware with a candle...

...then I got dressed and loaded Our Airman's old boy scout trunk into the car (more on that later)...and then checked the lavender...
...and it was actually pretty well dry...and my house smells amazing... I took that off the stems... out a scrap of pretty cloth (it's the remnant that I initially thought of using to patch my bathrobe)...
...stitched it into a little pillow and stuffed it with the lavender...
...and I tried doing a pretty little scallop stitch around the edge...'s a little bit uneven...but Nanny says 'you'll never see that on a galloping horse'...
...then we met the movers and they made short work of loading all that into the trailer...
...Amy came to the storage facility so we could have a longer visit...she loved her cupcakes...
...then we went to our favorite Thai restaurant...and sadly they are not doing so well...the owner said she couldn't hire enough servers and they had to go to takeout our food came in takeout was still delicious and we still had a lovely visit...

...then of course we had to drive back home...
...Sunday after Church we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant...and we got their special Mexican was delicious...just ignore the pork rinds on the side...I didn't know it came with next time we'll order it without...
...and I got my same bean burrito...and the Man gave me his salad...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


  1. The cupcakes and cake turned out so nicely. Happy birthday to you an your friend. I must have missed an earlier post about why things are going to storage. It's great news that your son and his family are moving to Alaska. I'll bet you take a trip up that way soon afterwards. All the food your showing, Thai & Mexican look so delicious.

  2. Glad you got a nice visit with Amy. And I love that little scalloped edge. Love, K

  3. lovely food and celebrations! how exciting they are moving to Alaska!
