Wednesday, November 30, 2016

...W.I.P. Wednesday...2 twin quilts become 1 king... that the weather has gotten cooler...

...I've been adding some more covers to the beds...

...but since we only have the one king sized comforter...I've just been adding twin sized quilts or full ones or afghans that we already have...and of course they slip around and even fall off the bed sometimes... had a brainstorm...and decided to just sew two twin sized quilts together...

...just one straight seam right up the middle... voilà...two twin quilts become one king quilt...and now it fits on the bed and won't slip off...'ll be topped by my King Sized Memory it won't matter what it looks like...

...what's in your workbasket?...

~Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

...Tuesdays with Julia...

...Y'all have already seen these cute little quiches at the Thanksgiving Brunch at Mom's...
...see how perfect their little crust-less crust was...
...very, very delicious...

...all of the particulars are over at The Vegan Version...

~Have a lovely day!

Monday, November 28, 2016

...Decorating Day...

...right after we got home from our Thanksgiving trip to visit family...we headed to the local fire department where they were selling Christmas Trees...
...and then we brought our perfect tree home right at dusk...and the kids sawed the end off nice and level...
...carried it inside and leveled it up...
...and then carefully decorated it while listening to Christmas Carols on the radio...
...and Scout placed the star on top...
...then we headed to the kitchen to make some Christmas cookies...
...pressing out Christmas trees...of course...

...we tried pressing the cookies out onto parchment...but they wouldn't we wound up just pressing them onto the bare pan...
...and we baked them until they were nice and golden brown...they were yummy...
...then Scout chose another disk...which we think may be a dog...

...we had a lot of fun...

...have you decorated your tree yet?...

~Have a lovely day!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

...W.I.A.Y. Thanksgiving Brunch and Linner...

...we had a wonderful Thanksgiving visiting family...

...this is going to be one of my rather long and rambling posts... started a few days ago with some prep work...
...not sure why these bars have a cow on them...I was tickled to find them as they are vegan...they're in the kosher section of my regular grocery store...
...just four simple ingredients make the most delicious chocolate pie...
...I had to weigh my tofu...because the recipe is for a 12 oz. box...
...then blend up the tofu, sweetener (I used agave...but the recipe calls for maple syrup), and vanilla...
...melt your chocolate in a double boiler...
...this takes longer than anything else in the recipe...
...but just keep stirring...
...then add it to your blended tofu mixture...
...and blend again...
...until velvety smooth...
...then pour it into your crust...I used a graham cracker one this time...but I've used a regular crust and it's good that way too...
...make a pretty's just as good without...
...then I made the cheeseball from My Vegan Cookbook...

...with a couple of substitutions...

...I used walnuts for the pine nuts...and I used my almond paste leftover from making almond milk instead of just blending up almonds...
...did a quick taste test...yummy...
...put it into a bowl lined with plastic wrap...
...for a few hours to set up a bit...
...then I chopped some walnuts...
...and rolled the cheeseball around in them...
...pretty isn't it?...
...I baked some vegan two ingredient biscuits to take...
...and I baked them in a muffin I'd have nice crispy crusts...I love that...
...then because I needed some more crackers for the cheese ball...I mixed up a batch of Vegan Wheat Thins...
...I have the recipe in my binder...
...and I've made them before here...
...they turned out perfectly...
...and y'all have already seen the Vegan Goldfish-shaped Cheese Crackers... that was the prep work... on to what I actually ate yesterday...
...we started preparing our Thanksgiving Brunch by cooking some Smart Bacon...
...and then making some vegan gravy...
...Mom putting everything on the table... vegan'll see the cute little vegan quiches on Tuesday with Julia...
...after Brunch we visited Grandma...
...then we came back to Mom's and starting snacking before dinner...or linner (lunch + dinner)...because we didn't have lunch... we had the cheese ball and crackers...and it was really good...
...then it was time to start preparing 'linner'...steaming some broccoli and cauliflower...
...and boiling some potatoes for some Grandma's Mashed...
...then I had seen a recipe on facebook for sweet potato bites... we sliced and roasted some sweet potatoes in Earth Balance and maple syrup...
...then opened a new bag of Dandies vegan marshmallows...
...and put one on each slice of sweet potato...
...and lightly toasted a few pecan halves...
...broiled the marshmallow tops...
...and then smashed a pecan half into each one... voilà...sweet potato bites...these were good...
...I brought some seitan...nothing you've not seen before... two ingredient biscuit...
...a close-up of the sweet potato bites...really...these are so simple and good you've got to try them...
...and my whole overstuffed plate...that produced an overstuffed me... retired to the living room to watch the fiftieth anniversary edition of How the Grinch Stole Christmas...

...I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families too!