Friday, December 23, 2016

...a new stocking holder...of sorts...

...our pets have Christmas stockings...

...and Jack is so funny getting his treats out on Christmas morning...

...and since we have a new kitten...she needed a stocking too...

...I bought a generic cat stocking...but the cat was orange I painted over that with black...gave her green eyes...and a grey mouth and nose...there's no pink on our Kitten at all... then we needed another stocking holder...Jack's stocking is on Duke's old holder with a photo of Duke...we'll probably never change that really...

...and since it's too late to buy a stocking holder...all sold out...I bought a heavy little globe that has a cat (orange again...what's up with orange cats?) and a snowman...but no hook...
...I brought it home and thought about what I could make a hook from...and came up with a coat hanger...of course...
...when I took it actually already had a hook...bonus... I twisted that into a circle and glued it with hot glue to the bottom of the globe...
...and there you have it...a last minute stocking holder from a snow globe and a coat hanger...
...and Kitten's stocking takes its place beside Jack's...the kiddos are calling her Grimm...but I still just call her Kitten...

~Have a lovely day!

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