Saturday, February 11, 2023

...2.11...Dinner and a Movie...

...the Man made this delicous Lentil Soup from Yeung Man Cooking... only contribution to the dinner was to make our favorite Tunisien Bread...
...topped with sesame turned out perfectly... made a delicious dinner...we also had a big salad...and I ate a huge bowl of the soup...and could have eaten more... turn to choose the movie...and I's a documentary about these three teenaged girls...all adopted from China in the early 2000's...'victims' shall we say...of China's one-child policy which amazingly was enforced for most Chinese into the 21st century...there are heartwrenching interviews with the parents in China who were forced to give up their children or pay enormous fines to keep them...which they couldn't possibly afford...

...what have you been watching lately?...

~Have a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. That soup looks nice and hearty. We've started watching the Vera series. We've only watched 2 episodes so far - blustery British detective lady. I think there are 50 episodes so this would keep us busy a long while at one a night! Love, K
