...Scout loved the
movie 9...

...but his favorite character in the movie was not 9...but 5...

...so for his 13th Birthday I set out to recreate 5 for him...and I found this vintage tan yarn at a Church Basement Sale...for a quarter...

...I loved the graphics on the label...showing the vats...the spinning...the delivery trucks...and finally the yarn store...called Super Yarn Mart...love that...

...and believe it or not...I did a quick search online and
found a pattern...for 9...not 5...but pretty easily adaptable...

...pretty much all single crochet...so easie-peasie...I started crocheting...in secret...

...I crocheted the head directly onto the body (it's separate in the pattern)...and of course only one eye socket...

...before I did any seams - or finished the head...I made a little skeleton out of pipe cleaners to slip inside the figure before stuffing or stitching...

...I bought a new thimble and drilled a couple of holes in the back...

...and I had a piece of stretchy lycra from an old swimsuit lining in my stash...I used it to make a little pouch for the rice to give the figure some weight...

...I just stitched up a little bottom-shaped piece and stuffed it with rice...

...this is 5's bottom...

...I slipped a piece of pipe cleaner through the holes in the thimble...

...and attached it to the right side of his skeleton...

...I attached his rice-filled bottom to his pipe-cleaner-skeleton...

...then I slipped his skeleton into his body...

...adjusted his thimble-eye...and stuffed his head...

...then finished crocheting the top of his head...

...next...I stuffed his body...

...and sewed up his bottom...

...then I went searching for the perfect button...or two as the case may be...and I found only one...the khaki one at the top...

...but wait...I'm sure I've seen a button like that somewhere before...oh yes...on my raincoat...so I snipped off one of the little extras that they give you in case you lose one...

...a pretty close match...

...now for some...tarnish...I did a base coat of gold...

...followed by a black glaze...

...next I glued his eyeball into his thimble socket...

...and stitched his two buttons on...

...I did the other top stitching to resemble the stitching in the poster...and realized that the buttons needed to be stitched with the brown thread...so I redid those...

...stitched on his vinyl eye patch...

...and twisted on some fingers and feet...

...crocheted his little shoes...

...and wrapped yarn around his little fingers...

...embroidered his number 5 on his back...

...and finally touched up the ends of his little fingers with some brown paint...if I'd had any brown pipe cleaners this probably wouldn't have been necessary...

...and he was finished...meet 5...