Monday, March 13, 2017

...a snowy day...

...we woke up yesterday to a snowy day...
...I was surprised because...well...I didn't believe the weatherman...we've already had near 80° days...and spring was well underway...
...but not this morning...
...probably a couple of inches of wet sticky snow fell before Sunday School started...
...making our little house look oh so cozy...
...but by 2:00 it was almost all gone...
...left only in shady patches with the already green grass peeking out from underneath...

...Daddy always called a spring snow 'poor man's fertilizer'...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


  1. yes, it was a nice very brief white-out....just right if you ask me. pretty for a while, no traffic problems and then gone before nightfall!

    love, k

  2. I've heard the expression about Spring snow before, it is the best way to have snow, quickly gone!

  3. Ah, spring....always keeping us on our toes, right?!

    1. Also, I've never heard that expression--poor man's fertilizer--before, but I think it is pretty dang great. Accurate, too. Things greened up in a snap after our most recent snow.
